Friday News – July 7, 2023

Happy Friday!

I want to thank everyone for the love and support that you have shown your staff since we shared a little bit of our experiences this past Sunday. (For those of you who were unable to attend and would like to watch the recording, the link is in the Board report below.) All of us know that being vulnerable is not easy or often comfortable. And experiencing someone being vulnerable, particularly when it’s new information, can be difficult and confusing. If you’re struggling with anything that was shared or any feelings that are rising up within you, I encourage you to reach out to Hope for Us. Our amazing team is:

David Lauth –
Rev. Liz Weber –
Rev. Dr. Samantha Wilson –
Rev. Jami Yandle –

A few reminders:
– This Sunday we are welcoming Rev. Marco Belletini back into our pulpit! Rev. Marco, our Minister Emeritus, was invited back by the ministry team, and we are so excited!
– Summer Institute is next week, beginning Sunday, July 9th. Most of your staff and several of our members will be at Summer Institute, so there may be a delay in responding to any emails or phone calls.

Blessings friends,
Rev. Kelli McNeal
Minister of Congregational Life

The deadline for Friday News submissions is 8:00pm Wednesdays. To request a submission to the newsletter, email
Deadline for Sunday service materials is 11:00am Thursday morning.
Announcements at a Glance

Indicates New or Updated Announcement
  • Greetings From Your Board of Trustees *
  • Hope For Us Recordings *
  • Summer Read: Transforming Conflict, by Rev. Terasa Cooley
  • This Sunday: Marco Belletini – 7/9 at 10am *
  • SUMMARY: Upcoming Services
  • All Soles Contra Dance Tomorrow – 7/8 *
  • Help a 1st UU Family: Save Community Grounds! *
  • First UU Takes Action for Democracy! – 7/9 *
  • Join the Coffee Team!
  • GA In Under Two Hours! – 7/23 *
  • Fourth Friday Picnics in the Park! – 7/28, 8/25, 9/1
  • Bring Your Friends to Peace Camp!
  • Upcoming Auction Events
  • BREAD: Sign the OneID Petition!
  • Labor Day Retreat @ Hocking Hills 9/2 – 9/4
  • SUMMARY: Events Calendar
  • SUMMARY: Classes and Groups
  • SUMMARY: Community Events
  • Happening This Sunday
  • Volunteer to Teach Next Year!
  • SUMMARY: Family Events
Greetings From Your Board of Trustees

This past Wednesday was the first meeting with new Board members Su Ann Farnlacher, Sarah Mayabb, and Chris Sullivan. In response to requests from staff and Finance Committee, the Board voted to move our monthly meetings to the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm.
Also, in recognition of Amanda Hayes receiving Preliminary Fellowship by the MFC and the congregation’s vote to ordain Amanda this past June, the Board voted to change Amanda’s job title to Justice Minister.

Rev. Dr. Marco Belletini, our Minister Emeritus, will be in our pulpit this Sunday July 9th. We hope you will join us and give him a warm hello.

Rev. Cooley offered a summer reading suggestion to the staff, Board members, and the congregation; to read Transforming Conflict. Books will be available for sale ($22 each) in Beach Hall for those interested.

Thank you to our staff for sharing such vulnerability and honesty this past Sunday at the Staff Sharing Circle facilitated by Hope for Us. The Staff sharing circle recording is now available.

Your First UU Board of Trustees,
Billy Davidson, Su Ann Farnlacher, Sarah Mayabb, Julie Pinsonneault, Chris Sullivan, and Cindy Whicker

Hope For Us Recordings
The recording of Sunday’s Staff Sharing Circle is now available! Thanks to all who attended in person or online. The intention of this time was to create a space for congregants to listen to and witness current and former staff reflections on this year and the impacts of Rev. Stewart’s ministry. This session features the voices of Amber Scott, Amanda Hays, Rev. Dr. Isabel Call, Rev. Kathleen Fowler, and Rev. Kelli McNeal, along with Rev. Dr. Sam facilitating.

You can watch the recording of the 7/2 service, “Towards Healing-Accountability: Embrace,” here – featuring Rev. Dr. Samantha Wilson from Hope for Us, and Rev. Dr. Isabel Call, our former Minister of Pastoral Care.

This service explores how we embrace what feels painful or hard in ourselves and our histories.  We consider how the posture of embrace is the posture of healing and accountability – we embrace all of who we are, including our own capacity to harm and to heal, as well as the ways we are impacted by other people.  Embrace is how we integrate what feels painful and shameful in our personal or collective story. Embrace, when we feel safe enough to do so, allows us to integrate what has happened to us – not leaving any part of us, even the painful parts, behind.

Additionally, you can watch the 5/28 service, “The Long Road to Connection” here, and watch the recording of the Board Sharing Circle here.

With care, The Hope for Us Team:
Rev. Dr. Samantha Wilson, Rev. Jami Yandle, Rev. Liz Weber, and David Lauth

Congregational Summer Read
This summer, many folks in our congregation are reading Transforming Conflict as part of our preparation to do developmental work alongside Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley. Pick up your copy during Coffee Hour!
“Come Monday…”
Join us for our Sunday service at 10am on July 9th. Led by our Minister Emeritus, Rev. Marco Belletini!

Come Sunday, we often participate in what’s called “Going to church.” A structured time of songs, stories and questions about our deeper life, our religious or spiritual or humanistic life. But when Monday dawns, what does a life of depth look like?

Upcoming Services Summary
  • 7/16 – Rev. Patricia Shelden
  • 7/23 – Rev. Sylvia Howe
  • 7/30 – 1st UU ASH (Atheists, Skeptics, Humanists)
  • 8/6 – Poetry Service, Su Farnlacher

Monthly Themes

  • Summer: Delight
  • September: Welcome
Saturday, July 8th
Beginners’ Session 7:30 to 8:00 PM
Dancing 8:00 to 10:30 PM

We will dance to the calling of Kim Thompson and the music of Firefly Trace.  Firefly Trace consists of  Carol Metheny, Karen Mortland, Sandy Jones, and Mark Scurci (fiddle), Pat Wilcox (piano), Jennie Kinsley (hammered dulcimer) and Frank Phillips (guitar).

Masks are now optional.  New dancers are welcome, all dances will be taught, and no partner is needed.  Please bring your own refillable water bottle.  We are not yet able to provide child care.
For more info, visit:

Help a 1st UU Family: Save Community Grounds!
Tara, Joel, and their children are a treasured part of our church community, and are seeking relief from pandemic debt for their local small business, Community Grounds Coffee and Meeting House. Please consider donating to their campaign, here! Thank you!
First UU Takes Action for Democracy!
Write letters to help Ohioans Vote on Sunday, July 9, after the service!

Ohio has a new Voter ID law, and many voters may not be aware of that. Our Democracy Team is partnering with VoterRiders to get the word out. We’re writing to Ohioans who have voted in the past with forms of ID that are no longer accepted (like utility bills), and sending them information on the new ID requirements and how to contact VoterRiders for help in getting the needed ID.

August 8 Special Election

Ohio has a special election on August 8. There is one question on the ballot, Issue 1, a constitutional amendment that would:

  • Make it harder to pass future amendments: amendments would need 60% of the vote to pass instead of a simple majority
  • Make it harder to get future amendments on the ballot: campaigns would need to gather signatures from all 88 counties instead of just 44, and the cure period would be eliminated

Issue 1 is specifically aimed at making it harder to pass the abortion rights amendment that’s expected to be on the November ballot. However, it would affect all future amendments, such as the anti-gerrymandering ballot campaign planned for next year. Many voter rights organizations from the League of Women Voters to the ACLU have come out against Issue 1. As UUs, our fifth principle describes our commitment to the use of the democratic process in our society. We hope you’ll consider how Issue 1 will affect democracy in Ohio, and turn out the polls to make your voice heard.

To prepare for the August 8 Special Election:

  1. Make sure you are registered to vote and your address is up-to-date by the registration deadline: July 10. You can do so at
  2. Make a plan to vote. In-person voting has stricter voter ID requirements this year. Early voting begins July 11. Request absentee ballots before August 1.

Questions? Ask at the JAM table or email

Join the Coffee Team!
Do you like coffee? How about people? Would you appreciate a low commitment way to get more involved at church? Come be a part of our coffee ministry on Sunday mornings!

Sign up at this link! There are detailed instructions in the kitchen cabinet, or you can shadow on a morning if you prefer an in-person how-to. Want to know more about what the job entails? Email Christine!

GA In Under Two Hours!
Come join your attendees and delegates on Sunday, July 23rd after service (11:30 to no later than 1:30)  to learn about General Assembly and the decisions that we made with hundreds of other UU congregations about divestment and Article II and workshops and worship services. You’ll get to see and discuss snippets of what happened and have a chance to have your questions answered.
Fourth Friday Picnics at the Park!
Over the summer months our regular spaghetti dinner shifts to a BYO picnic. Meet us at the lower playground picnic area in Whetstone park from 5:30-8pm for some laid back socializing. Bring food for yourself, maybe a lawn chair or two, or even a game, and enjoy the (almost) summer evening with First UU friends!

Upcoming summer picnic dates:  7/28, 8/25 and 9/1. Rain Location: Beach Hall. In the event of rain, a notice will be put on the Facebook group, and we’ll fall back to Beach Hall.

A few weeks ago in this newsletter we shared how BREAD, in coalition with other organizations, is spearheading One ID Columbus advocating for a municipal ID program for Columbus.  A municipal ID is a secure photo identification card designed, issued, and controlled by a local government for its residents. Lacking such ID, (see previous Friday News) many of our community’s estimated 80,000 residents in that situation, effectively “live in the shadows”, unable to obtain the benefits of those who have ID!

The coalition is working with the Columbus City Council to set up the program. A feasibility study for the program has been completed and legislation for the program has been drafted.  The One ID task force is now working to get as many people from throughout the faith communities to sign on to a letter to go to the City Council and the Mayor advising that they strongly support passage of a city bill and requesting those officials to authorize and support the program.

Below are two ways to access the online petition.  Unlike many online petitions and surveys this one is NOT asking for donations and will NOT add you to a mailing list (you can easily opt out!).  Please consider adding your name to this important petition.

Below are the final unsold items for this Friday’s news email under Auction and Fall Festival.  Many spots are still available, and hopefully we can sell a few of these spots.
To read a full description of the remaining auction items STILL FOR SALE, please go to the auction website. If you would like to purchase a spot or spots, please contact the Auction Team.

C1:  Swim & Light Dinner                                            Fri., Aug. 4 at 5 pm
1 spots – $30, offered by Karen Torvik

E10:  Annual Summer Fossil Hike                          Sat., Aug. 12 at 8:30 am
16 spots – $20 per spot, offered by Steve Molk

MM24:  Cajun/Creole Feast                                       Sat., Aug. 12 at 5 pm
14 spots – $35 per spot, offered by Jake Huber & Georgeann Neuzil

MM17:  True Comfort Food                                         Fri., Aug. 25 at 6 pm
1 spot – $45, offered by Pat Snyder & Jane Tessier

C5:  Lake House Retreat for UU Women (Long Weekend)     Sept. 14 – 17
2 spots – $55 per spot, offered by Stewart & Nancy Rafert

E15:  Clintonville Stroll                                         Sun., Sept. 17 at 1:30 pm
12 spots – $15 per spot, offered by Heather Pierson

E5:  Fall Outdoor Labyrinth Walk                               Sat., Sept. 23 at 1 pm
32 spots – $15 per spot, offered by the Saveson-Otten Family

C8:  Bike Ride & Caprese Dinner                                Fri., Sept. 29 at 6 pm
3 spots – $25 per spot, offered by Amanda Hays

MM31:  Afternoon Tea at Mozart’s Cafe                     Fri., Oct. 13 at 1 pm
2 spots – $25 per spot, offered by Stuart & Lynda Smith

Bring Your Friends to Peace Camp!
Ask your buddies to sign up now – by filling out our 2023-2024 permission and interest form! We still have space for both weeks! Children on the cusp age wise are welcome to attend either session. Cost: $100 suggested per child.

Session A: for 6-8years (9am-12noon, Monday 7/31 – Friday 8/4)
Session B: for 9-11years (9am-12noon, Monday 8/7 – Friday 8/11)

Summer Choir!
Do you enjoy listening to First UU’s choirs?  The next (and last for the summer) will be Sunday, August 6.  Remember to come for rehearsal at 9:00 am where Michaela Brown will be directing.

Annual 1st UU Labor Day Retreat Time! 
Labor Day Retreat: Sat Sept 2 – Mon Sep 4 at camp Oty’Okwa in beautiful Hocking Hills. Enjoy hiking, group activities, star gazing, campfires, and community for all generations. Plan your talent show act and warm up your voice for the campfire sing-a-long! Sign up now or  Learn more on our website
Event Calendar Summary
  • Ongoing: Youth Group Banned Book Library
  • 7/28, 8/25, 9/1 Fourth Friday Picnics, Whetstone Playground
  • 7/9-7/15 – CER Summer Institute
  • 9/2-9/4 – 1st UU Labor Day Retreat
Join the Coffee Team!
Do you like coffee? How about people? Would you appreciate a low commitment way to get more involved at church?  Come be a part of our coffee ministry on Sunday mornings!
Sign up at the link. are detailed instructions in the kitchen cabinet or you can shadow on a morning if you prefer an in-person how-to.
Want to know more about what the job entails? email chri…
Groups Summary
Click to Email the Group Leader!






  • UU Walkers, Highbanks Metro Park, 9:30am
  • Fourth Fridays Picnics in the Park (Whetstone) for summer


Community Events Summary

Family Activities This Sunday

Summer RE (Religious Exploration) is happening! Early childhood and elementary aged kiddos are invited to enjoy stories, crafts, and collaborative games focused on play with Jen and Cara. Rising middle and high school aged youth are invited to enjoy self serve board games and art activities in A and B during the service. Reminder that parents / caregivers always need to know the whereabouts of children not being formally supervised in a class.

  • 10-11:30am Toddler Care (rm 101)
  • 10am Worship Service, MS / HS Games and Art in A/B
  • Early / Elementary Summer Class, rm 201-2
  • Coffee Hour, Snack after the service ends

Register for Next Year, and Fill Out Annual Emergency Paperwork Here!

Volunteer to Teach Next Year!

Join the dream team – hanging out with our young people is the most fun you can have on a Sunday morning, and changes lives! We need classroom assistants, leads, and subs for all age groups! Sign up here!

Family Event Summary
  • CER Summer Institute, 7/9-7/15
  • 7/28, 8/25, 9/1 Fourth Friday Picnics, Whetstone Playground
  • Peace Camp, 7/31-8/4 and 8/7-8/11
  • Potential Blessing of the Backpacks (Back to School), 8/13
  • Animal Blessing. 8/27
  • Labor Day Retreat, 9/2-9/4
  • Holiday Break: No RE (Labor Day Weekend), 9/4
  • Ingathering / Water Ceremony (All Ages, No RE), 9/10
  • Fall RE begins, 9/17