Friday News – January 3, 2025

It was so lovely seeing so many of you during our holiday services. Despite everything else in the world, we still have a loving, joyful community in which we can be held.

The election this past fall and its aftermath put us into a bit of a reactive mode, but we are still on track to work on the developmental goals that were established by the Board for my time with you. My mentor, and change expert, Gil Rendle, talks about how it’s helpful in the midst of big changes to periodically ask the question: “Where are we in the story?”

One of the developmental goals was to review our governance. The Board has taken up this task and we have invited my fellow Developmental Minister, the Rev. Roger Bertschausen, to lead us in a retreat on the 18th. While Roger is here I thought it would be fun to share the pulpit with him and reflect on that question: “Where are we in the story?” Come to the service on the 19th to find out!

Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

Developmental Minister

First UU Church of Columbus

Upcoming Events

First Friday Spaghetti Dinner Tonight!

Featuring a Book and Puzzle Exchange!

Join us at 6:30pm to enjoy dinner prepared by this year’s Coming of Age class! Bring a book or puzzle you enjoyed to swap for something new!

We’ll have salad, pasta, sauces, garlic bread and dessert. Vegan/gluten free/dairy free options available. Dinner is served at 6:30 and chatting/games/movies often go till 8:30-9. All ages are welcome!

Your first dinner is free! Subsequent $3 donations help fund the food. Spread the word, and come have a good time and some good eats with church friends!

Stay tuned for Wizard Night in February (organized by Patricia Boughton), featuring dinner prepared by our very own Board of Trustees – featuring authentic family recipe Italian meatballs!

We still need cooks and hosts to help fill these easy, breezy roles in May and June – please email Becca to learn how easy it is!

Image by HANSUAN FABREGAS from Pixabay

This Sunday, January 5

9:15am Nouurish Service


The Storytelling Stone

First Nations Folk Tale

Presented by members of the Alternative Worship Team with members of our First UU Community.

11am Service:

“Towards That Horizon”

What will guide you– and us— through the year ahead? We’ll explore a few approaches to reflection and direction on this first Sunday of 2025.

Presented by Rev. Meg McGuire, Affiliated Community Minister

Hot breakfast is served at 10am,

Coffee, Tea & good conversation

available after both services

Magpie Consort in Concert

Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 7pm

The Magpie Consort (Artistic Director Sheena Phillips), known for their delightful and wide-ranging repertoire, will perform “Music for the Turn of the Year” here at First UU on January 11.

The Roman god Janus looked both backwards and forwards, and this concert will include echoes of Christmas as well as traditional new year songs. The program also has a special focus on the crisis in the Middle East. You’ll hear the piano suite Sleeping Angels by Egyptian composer Ramz Sabry Samy, and poetry about Gaza. In Magpie tradition, there will also be songs for everyone to join in. The Magpies will be joined by Phil Brown Dupont (piano), and Sarah Compton and Jessa Ehle (violin).

Suggested donation at the door: $0–$20 for the Magpies and as much as you can for the international charity Doctors Without Borders. If you can’t come to the concert, you can still contribute directly to the Magpies’ collection for Doctors Without Borders.

Pathways to Membership

Sunday, January 12 9am–1pm

Do you have questions about what it means to be a member of First UU? Do you want to learn more about who we are and how you can connect and engage with this community? Join us for our next Pathways to Membership class.

We will explore various paths to involvement at First UU and connect you with groups and other members who share similar interests. There is no obligation to become a member. We invite everyone who has questions or is looking to find points of connection.

Register Now

Around the Corner

  • Fri 1/3 First Friday Spaghetti Dinner (Hosted by Coming of Age)
  • Wed 1/8 Sacred Song Circle (every Wednesday at 6pm)
  • Wed 1/8 Vespers at Westerwood (3pm)
  • Sat 1/11 First UU Concert Series: Magpie Consort
  • Sun 1/12 Pathways to Membership Class (Register to Attend)
  • Sun 1/12 Church Finances 101 (Email to attend)
  • Wed 1/15 Finance Committee (RSVP)
  • Sat 1/18 All Soles Contra & Square Dance (more)
  • Sun 1/19 Anti-Racist Allies Monthly Lunch at Hoyo’s Kitchen
  • Mon 1/20 First UU Offices Closed: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Wed 1/22 Board of Trustees Meeting (RSVP)
  • Sun 1/26 History Workshop
  • Tue 1/28 Expressive Worship
  • Tue 1/28 Atheists Skeptics Humanists (ASH) (Speaker: James Bowling, “Art and Social Messages”)

Community-wide events in the coming weeks – All are welcome!

RSVP to attend Board and Finance Meetings

or email our Board of Trustees with any concerns.

From First UU Leadership

Dear First UU,

It is with a mixture of gratitude and sadness that I submit my resignation as Events and Hospitality Manager at First Unitarian Universalist of Columbus. I want to express my deepest thanks for the unwavering support and understanding you have extended to me through the years that I worked here, and during my recovery. Your kindness and encouragement have meant the world to me.

As I focus on my health and well-being, I find that I need this community more than ever as my spiritual home. Stepping away from my professional role will allow me the space to reconnect with First UU in a deeply personal and meaningful way. My time serving this congregation has been incredibly fulfilling, and the relationships I have built here have been a profound source of inspiration and joy. While my role may change, my dedication to this community remains steadfast. I look forward to continuing to be part of the vibrant and loving spirit that makes First UU so special.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Andi Mocharski

Winter Weather Policies

Hello First UU! As the weather turns snowy, I want to remind you of First UU’s Snow policies. First UU offices are closed when the city of Columbus issues a Level 2 Snow Emergency. For snow removal, we have a 2″ snow threshold: this means that our sidewalks and parking lot will not be plowed and salted unless there are 2 inches or more of snow.
To help us be safe, but also fiscally responsible, we rely on First UU Staff and Volunteers to help clear the sidewalks when there is less than 2″ of snow. There are shovels at the front main door and the back door, and salt buckets and spreaders at each of the church entrances.

We all need to be careful going out in winter weather, and we thank everyone who is able to help us keep our walks clear during any ‘light snows’ ahead!

Brian Hagemann

Director of Administration

Image by Julie Rothe from Pixabay

Come Sing in Our First UU Choirs!

First UU’s Choirs will resume in early January 2025, and now is a great time to join (or re-join!). Peace Pals will resume after the service on Sunday January 5 at 12:30 pm; Spirit of Life Choir will have its first rehearsal on Tuesday January 7 at 6:30 pm; and Chalice Choir will start back up on Thursday January 9 at 7:30 pm. Please contact Director of Music Brandon Moss to inquire.

NomCom’s “InSight” of the Week

Each Year, the Nominating Committee (NomCom) selects church leadership candidates for members to elect at our Annual meeting. Please send your recommendations for Board, Moderator, or NomCom members. Self-Nominations encouraged!

Questions? Email NomComor talk to our members: Billy Davidson, Eddy Fried, Jack Holdford, Joan Matyskella, Karla Rinto, Judy Vazquez and Glenn Waring.

“Entire communities also come to understand that while it is necessary to hold their governments accountable, it is equally important that in their own relationships with each other, they exemplify the leadership values they wish to see in their own leaders, namely justice, integrity, and trust. ”

– Wangari Maathai, 1940–2011

Community News & Events

Be the Spark –

First UU Auction

Live Auction: March 1, 2025 at 6–9pm

Have you ever experienced the excitement of a First UU fundraising auction?

  • If you have, we’re sure it’s already circled on your calendar!
  • If you haven’t, get ready for an unforgettable evening filled with fun, fellowship, and celebration!

Auction season is here, and we need YOU to be the spark that lights up this event!

Here’s how you can participate:

Our friendly auction team is excited to answer questions for returning attendees, new members, and friends. Together let’s make this year’s auction a sparkling success!

Going Wild

until January 5, 2025

Enjoy this exhibit in its’ final weekend. While you view these pieces from the Art Quilt Alliance, you may be inspired to ponder these questions: How do we help keep out natural world alive and well? How do we help keep our air and water clean? How do we help make safe spaces for all living animals, bugs, birds, plants, seaweeds and more?

Justice & Volunteering

Rummage Sale Drop-Off

Next Drop-off Date: January 11

Rummage Sale June 7

The Spring rummage sale is fast-approaching! Save the date of June 7 to come to this fabuulous First UU Fundraiser, and bring your donations to 4735 Evanswood Drive on January 11!

Want to volunteer? On January 25 the rummage sale team will have a “Pricing and Organizing” party in the storage unit. Need to schedule a drop-off at a different time? Email Myra!

Calling all Lawyers and Law Students!

We are seeking to establish a network of First UU attorneys for consultation about legal issues affecting our membership’s interest. If you’d like to join us, please contact Cara Seidt, First UU Columbus’s general counsel.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Classes & Groups

Learn more about groups in our current

Engagement Catalog and reach out to group leaders to join!

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

Stewarding Your Gift

Sunday, January 12th, 12:30–2pm

Bring your brown bag lunch and join us for a wide-ranging conversation & learning session about how your gifts of money are transformed into our congregation where we create community, engage diversity, and work for justice. Whatever your experience and level of understanding of our budget, funds, and expenses, we’ll start at the beginning and answer all your questions. Email Debra Boyd for more information.

Sacred Song Circle

Happy New Year! Sacred Song Circle will resume singing every week on Wednesdays at 6pm beginning on January 8th. Everyone is welcome! Please stop by.

Image by Rosy / Bad Homburg / Germany from Pixabay

Family Activities

This Sunday, January 5th

9:15am-10am Nouurish Service (sanctuary)

10-10:30am Breakfast, and Coffee until 11am (A/B, Beach Hall)

10:30am-12:30pm Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)

10:30am-12:15pm 13-14yr OWL (302)

11am-12:15pm Coming of Age (401)

11am-12:15pm Building Your World MS/HS (301)

11am-12noon Worship Service (sanctuary)

11:15am-12:15pm (starts after story) 3-6yr Spirit Play (102)

11:15am-12:15pm (starts after story) 7-10yr Spirit Play (201)

12noon-1pm Snack and Coffee (Beach Hall, A/B)

12:15-1pm Caregivers of Young Children (101)

12:30-1:00pm Peace Pals children’s choir, 5-12yrs (sanctuary)

12:30-2pm Trans / Gender NonConforming Teen Support Group (Library)

12:30-2pm Trans Allies, Families, Parents/Caregivers Support Grp. (302)

1-2:30pm Navigators scouting meeting, 5-12yrs (201/playground)

Help wanted! Volunteer Youth Group advisors & scout troop leaders! Paid dishwashers, sound techs, & sitters! Register here for classes/activities!