Friday News 5-21-2021

Good morning!

I hope you all have had the opportunity to enjoy the absolutely beautiful weather we have had this week!  I can smell the cookouts, and hear the children laughing and playing in my neighborhood and that brings me so much joy. I hope you are able to find little moments of joy as well as we are quickly approaching summer.

Don’t forget, if you would like an announcement in the Friday News, please email me no later than Wednesday at 8:00 pm with FRIDAY NEWS in the subject line.

Virtual hugs,

Kelli McNeal
Director of Congregational Life

Announcements at a Glance

(Click the heading to go to that group of announcements for more details)
  • Sunday Service – 5/23
  • Annual Meeting – 6/6
  • Soul Matters May Packets
  • Children and Youth RE – 5/23
  • Parent Coffee Convo – 5/24
  • Bridging: Recognizing Graduates – 6/6
  • Recognizing our Graduates
  • First UU Wednesday Women’s Book Group – 5/26
  • UUA BIPOC Gathering – 5/24
  • UUA UPLIFT Gathering – 5/25
  • How Will UU Take Action?
  • Check out the new Justice Update!

First UU Ways to Connect

Sunday Service – Who Tells Our Story?
Join us Sunday 5/23 as we explore who tells our story. In the musical Hamilton, George Washington advises Hamilton that while he can dream of great things while fighting for a better world, ultimately he has no control over who tells his story. While it may be true that we don’t have control over who will ultimately tell our First UU story, if we live today like history has its eyes on us, we can live our lives in a way that the story we want told of our time by future First UUers aligns with our values.
Annual Meeting
Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 6th for our annual meeting. If you are a member, please plan on attending as we will need a quorum to do church business. Stay tuned for more information about the annual meeting.
May Soul Matters Packets are Here!
Our May Soul Matters Packets on Story have all been mailed. You can find the digital versions here: General Packet (for all ages); Soulful Home (UU activities to do as a family); Chalice Home (tips for creating sacred space at home).


 Classes For Children & Youth! 
Sunday, May 23rd 
11:10am Peace Pals music for 5-10years
12noon Religious Exploration for 7-12years

Sunday, May 30th 
No RE – Holiday Break 

RE Class Schedule 2020-2021 
Church Google Calendar 

Email Amber, Director of RE, for more info!

Parent Coffee Convo for Families w/ PreK-Elem Kids
Hello Families! Invitation: Parent Coffee for those with children of Preschool to Elementary age, with teachers Jenifer Bojanowski and Deb Baillieul, and Director of Religious Exploration Amber Scott. Topic: Making the old and familiar new, and responding to the collective trauma of 2020.

Join us on Zoom! Monday, May 24th, from 7:00-8:30pm 

It has been quite a year! As we move forward trying to make plans for this Summer (including Peace Camp!) and into the Fall, it brings to our awareness that we have experienced a collective loss (activities, connections, and people). Some of our folks attended a workshop recently that addressed, in part, the idea of collective trauma and how that may contribute to our experience of reconnecting at this time (i.e What will it be like when we can see each other again? To have a conversation face to face? To hug? To play?). We would like to hear from our families about what has worked and been good this year, and what you have been missing this year. Also, what has your child been missing?

Whether you have been attending church online, or RE gatherings or not- we would love to hear from you! During this meeting we will also explore what needs are for kids, families, and for you as parents / caregivers, for this summer. We are open to adding ideas to our meeting – with the idea that this is an informal conversation for you. You can contact us with any questions or thoughts you would like to share.

Email us! Jenifer Bojanowski / Deb Baillieul / Amber Scott

The session will be recorded for the purpose of the presenters to review concerns and questions. The recording will not be shared or distributed on any social media platforms. You are welcome to “rename” yourself for the meeting and/or not participate with video for the recording. 

Bridging June 6th: Recognizing Graduates
If you have a graduating senior who you would like recognized by the church this year, please email Amber ASAP to be included in the June 6th Sunday service!

Please include:

  • The graduate’s name (including pronunciation tips) and their pronouns
  • A favorite photo of them we have permission to share (to be featured in the service)
  • Current mailing address (for bridging gift and caring card)
  • High school or homeschool program they are leaving or completing
  • College if they will be starting in the fall, gap year info, or what they will be doing next
  • A sentence or two about their interests and ambitions (preferably written by the youth, but could also be written by a parent / guardian)
Thank you!
Caring Cards for Graduates
We would like to honor and celebrate our high school and college graduates. If you are or know of someone who is graduating, please fill out a caring card request, so that we can lift them up during a Sunday service, and congratulate them.


First UU Wednesday Women’s Book Group
Join us for our next book group meeting at 1:00, Wednesday May 26 as we discuss the book The Vanishing Half. This group is open to anyone who identifies as a woman and who loves to read! Contact Sylvia Howe for more information and the Zoom link.
UUA Black, Indigenous, People of Color Gathering
If you identify as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPOC), you’re invited to join us for the Central East Region’s BIPOC gathering – happening two Mondays per month at 6:30 pm.

In our gatherings, we are joined by lay folx of color, lay leaders of color and/or religious professionals of color to be in community. Our conversations focus on topics like wellness and resilience, and our goal is to center BIPOC experiences and create space to explore our UU experiences.

Please email Sana Saeed, or Paula Cole Jones for Zoom information. Dates for Spring Gatherings: May 24, and June 14 & 28.

UPLIFT Gathering
(for Trans, Nonbinary, and other not Cis UUs)
Join us May 25th for our UPLIFT monthly gathering focused on trans, nonbinary, and other not (completely or at all) cis UUs. Join us to connect with other trans/nonbinary UUs and co-create support and community across our faith. All you need to bring is yourself (and other trans/nonbinary friends, if you’d like).  You must register here to get the Zoom information. 

NOTE: This space is intentionally multi-generational. It is open to and welcoming of trans/nonbinary elders as well as children, youth, and young adults. Standard UUA online safety measures apply to ensure all people under 18 are able to attend.

ACCESSIBILITY NOTES: transcription will be available, and any common chat content will also be spoken aloud. Please be mindful of processing and communication access, and speak one at a time. Meeting will not be recorded, and participation, as well as what is shared, will be confidential. There is no requirement to appear on video or to otherwise maintain ‘conventional’ appearances.

We’re glad to have you here!


How Will UU Take Action?
As the sun comes out and the temperatures warm, are you ready to spring into action? Maybe you’re looking for a way to work for justice, but not quite sure where to start. Check out our new Take Action page on First UU’s website. Whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours to contribute, whether you are looking for in-person or virtual, whether your passion for justice is centered on democracy, racial justice, food insecurity, the environment, or interfaith work, there’s a way for you to take action today!
Justice Update
Check out our latest Justice Update to learn more about how First UU is combating food insecurity, hear some uplifting gratitude, and learn how you can defend our First Amendment rights!