Featured Announcements 5/28/19


It’s official! Fellowship Hall is now the Art and Gracie Beach Fellowship Hall. There is a new sign above each interior entrance to Beach Halland a plaque is in the works. Thank you once again to Art and to all those who helped celebrate the re-naming this past Saturday. (Pictures above.)

Summer Update

Summer one-service schedule has begun! We meet at 10am each Sunday through Labor Day. Don’t forget to collect water (just a tad) from your travels or favorite spots. We’ll pour these into a common bowl during our Water Communion service on Sept. 8th.

Note from the NominatingCommittee
The Nominating Committee is composed of six elected members and the immediate Past Chair of the Board of Trustees. The committee works throughout the year to identify engaged, thoughtful and energetic congregation members for important church leadership roles. We believe that the work of our church is best accomplished by a thoughtful and intentional blend of those with seasoned tenure and newer members who bring fresh perspectives. It is with this guiding principle that we present a slate of candidates for your consideration.

Please plan to attend this year’s Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 2, following the service, where we will elect members of the Board of Trustees, Moderator, members for next year’s Nominating Committee.

We request that members attend in person in order to participate fully in the business of the congregation, and we will offer some light snacks and childcare in order to help you stay for the quorum needed. The vote will occur early in the agenda.

If you are unable to be physically present for some reason, and you are a member of the congregation, you may vote absentee for the candidates in one of three ways:

  • A vote can be cast in the church office when Marian Garcia, our office staff is in from 9:00 to 5:00 on weekdays excluding lunch.
  • A ballot can be taken to someone who cannot physically come to the church and returned in a sealed envelope with their signature on the front.
  • A request can be made for a ballot to be sent and returned by mail to the church office marked “Absentee ballot”.

Absentee voting will begin on May 22. No absentee ballots will be accepted after 5:00pm on May 31.

WE are this community. Our members and leaders we elect help us grow and sustain a hopeful and promising future. Please help us plant the seeds of tomorrow by attending the Annual Congregational Meeting on June 2.

The biographies of this year’s candidates are available on Sunday or by emailing the office.

The Nominating Committee

Notice: Additional nominations may be made by petition in writing signed by 25 or more members of the church. The petition and written consent of the nominee must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees at least 3 days in advance of the annual meeting (no later than May 30, 2019).