First UU Events Calendar

Links may contain connection information for in-person, or online meetings or other details.  Check with the office if you have any questions or to promote a church event:

Hispanohablantes (Spanish Study Group)


This group is a project of the Care and Share Time Bank, and it meets every Saturday online. Contact Vilvi Vannak,  

Coffee Hour

Beach Hall

Sign up to assist with set up, maintenance, and tear down for coffee hour on the First UU Facebook Group or email 

Self Guided Meditation

Worship Center

The Sanctuary will be open for quiet meditation.   Organizer: First UU Publi

Sacred Song Circle

Worship Center

For information, contact Debra Boyd,   Organizer: First UU Publi

Hispanohablantes (Spanish Study Group)


This group is a project of the Care and Share Time Bank, and it meets every Saturday online. Contact Vilvi Vannak,  

Coffee Hour

Beach Hall

Sign up to assist with set up, maintenance, and tear down for coffee hour on the First UU Facebook Group or email 

Self Guided Meditation

Worship Center

The Sanctuary will be open for quiet meditation.   Organizer: First UU Publi

Sacred Song Circle

Worship Center

For information, contact Debra Boyd,   Organizer: First UU Publi

Hispanohablantes (Spanish Study Group)


This group is a project of the Care and Share Time Bank, and it meets every Saturday online. Contact Vilvi Vannak,  

Coffee Hour

Beach Hall

Sign up to assist with set up, maintenance, and tear down for coffee hour on the First UU Facebook Group or emailÂ