Staying Safe During COVID-19 Outbreak


Although we look forward to the time when we may safely gather together, due to the risk of community spread of COVID-19, all in-person church meetings and other gatherings are postponed and our building remains closed until further notice. All services will be held via Zoom.

Some limited outdoor activities may be planned with safety and social-distancing/mask wearing a priority (at the discretion of staff). Other than this, we ask that no one access or use the building. For teams and other church meetings we can assist with setting up a zoom meetup.

We anticipate returning when the virus is agreed to be under control and with close attention to the recommendations of health officials and the UUA’s guidance. Our reopening task force is in its early stages and will provide updates to this page as our COVID-19 policies are developed.

Church staff are working primarily from home but stop in periodically to check mail and the building.

The School for Young Children (SYC) and Red Oak Community School are holding limited and well monitored smaller classes maintaining an emphasis on safety for children, staff and families.


Please contact the office at, a minister or other staff if you need assistance with Zoom, have questions or need to reach out for pastoral support.



  • Wear your mask
  • Wash your hands often
  • Practice Social Distancing
  • Stay home if you have any symptoms