Announcements 8/23/19


First Friday   September 6, 6:30pm-8pm, at Whetstone Park by the lower playground. Bring a blanket or lawn chair and food for yourself, and we’ll bring outdoor games. In case of rain, we’ll move to Beach Hall, and the change of location will be put on our Facebook page.
Kelli McNeal,

First UU Bible course   Have you ever thought about how little you know about the history of the Bible, or why the Bible is so foundational to our western culture? Does it teach our UU principles and values? We’ll explore these and many other questions. The course starts September 10, second Tuesday of the month, through next June, 7:30-9pm. Room 7.
Chas Williams,
Ron Payne,
Tom Baillieul,

Labor Day Retreat at Camp Oty’Okwa in the stunning Hocking Hills. Great for everyone—families, singles, couples! Saturday, August 31 – Monday, September 2. Hikes, workshops, nature, group worship, music! Meals included.
Beth McCreary,

First UU Bookstore Volunteers needed    Can you help sell books in Beach Hall one Sunday morning a month? Bookstore proceeds help the church, and volunteers get a 10% discount.
Will Whicker,, 614-560-9975

Kehilat Sukkat Shalom hosts Kirtan Rabbi for music and learning, September 13-14, at First UU, with Rabbi Jessica Shimberg. Sukkat Shalom is affiliated with Jewish Renewal and Reconstructionist movements. Information about Kirtan Rabbi can be found at and about Sukkat Shalom at
Jodi Kushins,, 614-499-6176

Feed My Sheep food pantry   This is Sundries Sunday month. Bring toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, bar soap, and shampoo. We need children’s books, diapers (child and adult), dog/cat food, feminine hygiene products, and peanut butter. Bring items to Beach Hall Sunday mornings.
Jacques Angelino, 614-439-0245

Men’s Spirituality meetings are held at First UU, on themes tied to the lived experience of the men in the group.
– The Monday group meets every two weeks 7-9pm. Brian Lohiser, 614-264-3276,
– The Wednesday group meets every week, 7-8:30pm. Dick Dawson, 614-563-4855,

Fall UU members’ art exhibit, “Telling Our Stories”    A reception will be held at First UU on Sunday, September 8, at 12:30pm.
Deb Baillieul,

Immigration Assistance    We need volunteers to staff the Solidarity with Immigrants table and to make cookies or trail mix. Second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Sign up at Signup Genius or contact Jan Phillips,, 614-261-3234.
– We need gift cards from Kroger to support Edith Espinal. Please bring cards to Jan Phillips at church on Sunday.
– Cbus ITA Assisting Asylum Seekers: Volunteer Training, Donations, and Assistance with Supplies: Thanks for your donations of supplies for immigrants passing through Columbus. We still need pre-packaged tuna or chicken salad, small packages of nuts or trail mix, and small containers of applesauce. If you bring supplies, please sign the sheet on the clipboard, so we can thank you. For cash donations to UU Justice Ohio, visit
Karen Thimmes, 614 457-0409

Become an usher volunteer!   Meet new and old friends and worship together on Sunday mornings. Just one Sunday service a month and you will enhance Sunday’s Celebration. Interested?
Sharon Oliver,

Water Communion and Ingathering Service    On Sunday, September 8, at the 9am (formerly 9:15am) and 11am services, in the Sanctuary. (We start having two Sunday services on this date.) Please bring water – a little bit will do. Be prepared to say what water represents in your life as we pour our waters into a common bowl. The water can be from your travels or from the kitchen tap.

Help Wanted! The Breakfast Team is looking for people to cook breakfast once a month. Feed friendly, appreciative people before the early service. A great way to meet church members, and make them eggs.
Cliff Adams,

Fair Food Sustainers and Allies   Thanks to all who have joined the Fair Food Sustainer Program, which works to eradicate modern slavery, sexual assault and other abuses. If you haven’t donated or joined, help us bring justice to workers for only $5/month.

BREAD’s persistence and people power paid off again. The Franklin County Commissioners voted to increase the conveyance fee on property sales by $1 per every $1,000 to be used for affordable housing—a projected 200 units per year additional to those already developed each year from BREAD’s previous win for affordable housing. (Commissioner Kevin Boyce commended us for holding them accountable!)
– The BREAD Millennial Caucus will discuss justice and the work of BREAD, on Wednesday, August 28, 6:30-8pm, BrewDog Franklinton, 463 W. Town St. Sign up:

Grief Recovery Method®    Monday and Thursday, 7-9pm, October 7-31, at First UU. Have you suffered a loss in your life that has seriously shaken you? Perhaps you have experienced the death of a loved one or a not-so-loved one. Perhaps you have lost a job, lost faith in others, moved many times, or experienced the death of a beloved pet. People say you have to let go and move on, but they don’t tell you how to do that. This program makes it possible and provides partnerships and guidance to ensure that it happens. If this speaks to you, please join us, Rev. Eric and Rev. Kathleen Fowler. We use a small group format. Registration is required, no later than the second meeting, on October 10.
Rev. Eric Meter, 614-267-4946, ext. 23

Looking for a few Coffee Hour volunteers! Have you ever dreamed of being one of the reasons someone has a great day? Well…look no further! Coffee Hour volunteers provide a much-needed service to family, friends, visitors, and members each Sunday. And you can be a part of that experience! To volunteer, all we ask for is availability for only one service, for only one Sunday per month. How easy is that?!?!
Denni Hale, 614-633-8082,

We return to two services at 9am (note the time change) and 11am on Sunday, September 8.


Monday, August 26
3:00pm Women’s Creative Circle
7:00pm Bridge Group (call 614-499-2434)

Tuesday, August 27
6:30pm Rising Voices Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm Atheists/Skeptics/Humanists; Zen Orientation & Meditation; Spirit of Life Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday, August 28
1:00pm Wednesday Women’s Book Group
6:00pm Francophones Bavard(e)s
6:00pm Sacred Song Circle
7:00pm Board of Trustees

Thursday, August 29
9:30am Improvisational Dance
6:30pm Housing in Retirement
7:30pm Chalice Choir Rehearsal

Friday, August 30
11:00am Nia Class

Saturday, August 31
8:30am Zen Meditation
10:45am Hispanohablantes

Sunday, September 1
10:00am Worship Celebration
6:30pm Young Adult Covenant Group