Announcements 10/11/19

THIS SUNDAY, October 13: Rev. Eric Meter will present Recognition Day. Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples Day—which most deserves our notice? The act of paying attention is one of the most valuable skills we have in creating a culture worthy of our best selves. How, then, can we best use this skill to do so?

8:30am  Sunday Breakfast (Rooms A/B)

9:00am/11am  Worship Celebration (Sanctuary)

10:10am  Middle Hour:

  • Forum (Room 301): Join special guest George White, family member of a murder victim, who was wrongly accused of a murder himself. He was put on trial with a recommended death sentence, sentenced to life, then later exonerated and released from prison. An experienced speaker, with a powerful message to deliver!
  • Creative Expressions (Room B, near the kitchen): Enjoy self-guided experiences, including crafts, drawing, and writing.
  • Tabletop Conversations (Beach Hall, near the windows): Intentional conversations for everyone! Choose a topic of interest, and discuss with fellow congregants.

10:20-10:50pm  Peace Pals children’s choir (Room 103): Note the change in start time, to accommodate kids coming from OWL class. Please arrive on time, so that we have more time to sing together!

12:30pm  BREAD House Meeting (Library); Nominating Committee (Room 302)

A Pastoral Team member will be near the Caring Table in Beach Hall after each service as a compassionate listener, to arrange a hospital/home visit, or if you’d like to schedule a meeting with a minister.

Are you visiting with us and would you like to know more about the congregation? Please stop by the Welcome Table in Beach Hall after the service for information about Unitarian Universalism and First UU. Interested in programs for children, youth, and families? Contact Amber Scott,

The Engagement Catalogue is available at the Visitor’s Center in the lobby. It lists the groups and activities of the congregation this fall. Kelli McNeal,

TONIGHT, FRIDAY, October 11:  All Soles Contra & Square Dance  Beginner’s session at 7:30pm; dance at 8pm. Local callers share the mic. Local band will provide the music. Childcare provided. $8 for adults; $4 for ages 12-25; and free for those under 12. For more information, visit: www.bigscioty.comor contact Jan Phillips.

TOMORROW, SATURDAY, October 12: “Cast No Stones: Standing with Victims to End Executions in Ohio” conference. 9am-4pm, First Community Church. Register at  See Lynda Smith about carpooling. Tonight, Friday, October 11, Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ, author of Dead Man Walking and River of Fire, will speak at St. John’s United Church of Christ, 59 E. Mound, 7pm. Free parking west of the church. Tickets: same website as above.

NEXT SUNDAY, October 20:  Rev. 


For contact information for any of these events, please contact the church office at 614-267-4946 ext. 21 or

Racial Justice & Immigration JAM Focus Group   Meets Monday, October 14, 7-9pm. Please come and hear what we’ve been doing and help us plan future actions. New people are always welcome.
Jan Phillips

BluesSwing band concert   Friday, October 18, 7-9pm. For more information and samples of their music, go to Bring finger food and beverage—we’ll be set up in cabaret style. Fundraiser: freewill offerings gratefully accepted. Proceeds support social justice work and your sense of fun! Sponsored by JAM.

Covenant Group on Democracy and the American Creed   This discussion group meets five times, on first and third Thursdays from October 17 through December 19, 7-9pm, in the Library. Facilitated by Alison Wohler. The American Creed, first formulated by Thomas Jefferson, is a defining element of American identity. In his book by the same name, UU minister and author Forrest Church argues that the American Creed (which employs a language of faith but transcends “religious particulars, uniting all citizens in a single covenant”) is an appropriate and generous principle upon which to found a great nation. What are the principles that transcend the toxic political mess we find ourselves immersed in today? Our conversations will probably include how we are feeling in the current state of things. Alison Wohler

Neighboring Faiths (for adults)   Are you curious to learn more about other faith traditions in our community? This class is modeled on the Neighboring Faiths course offered to grades 6/7 students. On      Monday, October 14, we will carpool from First UU at 6:30pm to the Jain Center of Central Ohio, where we will have a tour and a talk with Dr. Tansukh Salgia. If you want to meet us at the Jain Center at 7 pm, the address is 6683 South Old State Road, Lewis Center. The program is from 7pm until 8:30pm.  Danya Furda, Candee Rothert

BREAD  (Building Responsibility, Equality, and Dignity) works to bring systemic change to our community. BREAD campaigns begin with a fall listening process, in which we get acquainted, discuss community problems for our next campaign, and learn how to build the people power to address them. Sign up in Beach Hall after the service. Childcare available with one week’s advance notice.
·  Sunday, October 13, 12:30pm, Alice Rathburn, Facilitator
·  Sunday, October 20, 12:30pm, Chris Johnson, Facilitator
·  Sunday, October 27, 12:30pm, Wes Thompson, Facilitator

Covenant Groups   Interested in being part of a small group of other First UU community members who join together to share their experiences with both the joys and challenges of life? Then check out our Covenant Group program. Covenant Groups are groups for 8-10 people to listen to one another reflect on living as love-filled and meaningful lives as possible. Groups meet twice each month. To register, go to the link on the First UU website under the Connections menu.
Rev. Eric Meter,

Feed My Sheep food pantry   October is Undies Sundies month. Please bring children’s underwear, all sizes, to our table in Beach Hall on Sunday morning. We also need peanut butter, child and adult diapers, feminine hygiene products, dog/cat food, children’s books, and all sizes of coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, sweaters, and blankets.

Free Flu Shot Clinic   Saturday, October 19, 11am-3pm, and Tuesday, October 22, 12pm-4pm. First UU is hosting two flu shot clinic days by Columbus Public Health for anyone who is interested. Adults and children 6 months and older can get them. They are free of charge. High-dose senior shot is available. Bring your insurance card if you have one, and bring your friends and neighbors, too. No appointment necessary.

Poetry reading   Steve Abbott will debut his new collection of poems,  A Language the Image Speaks, at a reading in Beach Hall on Sunday, October 27, 4pm. Poems in the book appear opposite black & white and color images, including works by First UU members Tom Baillieul, Karen Torvik, and Marguerite Molk, as well as paintings and photographs by other Columbus artists and items from museum collections throughout Ohio. A portion of book sales will go to the   First UU BUUkstore.

Harry Potter First Friday   November 1, 6:30-9pm. Join us for a potluck and Harry Potter-themed activities. Get sorted into a Hogwarts house, then choose your wand (or will it choose you?). Potion making, spells, Quidditch tag, and more! Enjoy Hogsmeade favourites for dinner: bangers & mash, Shepherd’s Pie (including vegetarian) and, of course, Butterbeer. Activities for all ages, including adults! Dress up if you like. Patricia Boughton

Men’s Spirituality   Meetings are held at First UU, on themes tied to the lived experience of the men in the group. Contact the listed liaison for further description of the group.
The Monday group meets every two weeks 7-9pm. Brian Lohiser
The Wednesday group meets every week, 7-8:30pm. Dick Dawson

Volunteers Needed!

  • First UU Bookstore Can you help sell books one Sunday morning a month? Volunteers get a 10% discount. Will Whicker
  • Become a coffee volunteer! Only one service, only one Sunday per month. How easy is that?!?! Denni Hale
  • The Breakfast Team is looking for people to cook once a month before the early service. A great way to meet people! Cliff Adams
  • Become an usher!  Meet new and old friends and worship together on Sunday mornings. Just one Sunday service per month. Sharon Oliver
  • Light fall yard work!  Arrive anytime from 9am to noon on Saturday, October 19. Afterward, enjoy vegetarian chili lunch and fall treats. Tools will be available, but bring any favorites and gloves, if you have them. Patricia Boughton, Dave Richter

Enjoy “Sharing Our Stories: Artists and Poets of First UU.”  In our Gallery through October 27.  Deb Baillieul


Monday, October 14
3:00pm Women’s Creative Circle
7:00pm RJI JAM Focus Group; Caregivers Support; Grief Recovery Class

Tuesday, October 15
9:30am Archives Team
6:30pm Nominating Committee; Rising Voices Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm Book Bites; Spirit of Life Choir Rehearsal; Zen Meditation

Wednesday, October 16
6:00pm Francophones Bavard(e)s
6:00pm Sacred Song Circle
7:00pm Film: “Long Strange Trip”; Meaning Movies; All-Ages YA Book Group; Finance Committee

Thursday, October 17
9:30am Improvisational Dance
12:00pm UU Food Co-op
6:00pm BREAD Team
7:00pm Grief Recovery Class
7:30pm Chalice Choir Rehearsal

Friday, October 18
11:00am Nia Class
12:00pm Cooking for Faith Mission
6:00pm Rainbow Connexion

Saturday, October 19
8:30am Zen Meditation
10:00am Scriptures Class
10:45am Hispanohablantes
12:00pm Move to Amend

Sunday, October 20
8:30am  Sunday Breakfast
9:00am/11am  Worship Celebration
10:10am  Middle Hour
12:30pm BREAD House Meeting
6:30pm Care and Share Time Bank Potluck; Millennial Covenant Group