Announcements – 4/6/19

Annual Giving Campaign – Click here for Online Pledge 

Thank you for your generosity

BREAD(Building Responsibility, Equality, and Dignity, is Central Ohio’s congregation-based, multi-faith community organization.

  • Monday, April 8, 7pm, BREAD Rally, Rhema Christian Center, 2100 Agler Rd. for network members and “wanna be’s” to hear testimonies, each committee’s game plan, and prepare for the Nehemiah Action. 6pm, carpools from First UU.
  • Monday, May 6, 6:40pm, BREAD Nehemiah Action meeting to hold public officials accountable for a commitment to solve serious community problems in Central Ohio.

For information, call: Alice Rathburn, 614-563-0536.

A memorial service for Tom Porch will be held on Saturday, April 13, 3pm, in the Sanctuary.

Caring Team Workshop The Caring Team is very excited to present the workshop Societal Effects of White Privilege after the second service on Sunday, April 14, 12:45pm. Light snacks will be provided. The panel will discuss racism vs. bias, institutional racism, and trends.

We are very privileged to have the following three people on the panel:

  • Noel Williams, President of NAACP, Columbus, is associated with BREAD, and has a past association with the ACLU.
  • Katelin Hansen, Strategic Initiatives Director for the nonprofit Community Development for All People.
  • Tina Pierce, CEO and Founder of WORTH (Working through Obstacles Reaching True Heights).

The Fair Trade sale has been rescheduled to Sunday, April 14, to avoid conflicting with the Easter holiday. Fair Trade coffee, tea, and chocolate will be available for sale in Fellowship Hall after each worship service.

Earth Day Volunteer Opportunity & Taco Lunch Saturday, April 20, 10am –12 noon at First UU. We have been working hard to reduce our “footprint,” with items like rain gardens, solar panels, and green spaces. Come help out with light yard work. Come for as little or as long as you can. All ages welcome. You can bring tools if you have them – trowels, garden gloves, pruners. We will also work on some playground projects in our shared space with SYC. Afterward, join us for tacos!

Feed My Sheep food pantry It’s time for our Easter ham drive! Stop by the Justice Action Ministry table in Fellowship Hall to see how you can help.All donations need to be in by Sunday, April 14. Also, this month is Sundries Sunday month. Please bring shampoo, bar soap, deodorant, hair conditioner, 2-ply toilet paper, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. We always need: gently used children’s clothing, feminine hygiene products, gloves, mittens, scarves, children’s books, peanut butter, chunky soup, dried pinto beans, canned stew, and dog and cat food.  Jacques Angelino, 614-439-0245

Fair Food Action: Please act today to end slavery and sexual harassment in the fields by joining the Wendy’s Boycott online. Sign the petition at’s. Click on Petition ‒ Wendy: We’re boycotting you until you support human… Let us know you signed, at  Sue Carter,, 614-459-0017

FILA=Benevolence Fund Our new Fund for Immigration Legal Assistance (FILA) has been established, and is accepting donations (tax-deductible) and applications for assistance. Brochures detailing the fund are available in the Gallery and Window Hallway, and information is available at: can be made via check (made payable to First UU, with FILA written on the memo line) or via the website above. The fund has helped its first person, a mother with two children, helping her pay for her asylum application.

New Member Ceremony Are you a new member? Have you been through the Path to Membership class and been thinking about joining? Now’s the time! There will be a new member welcoming ceremony at each service on April 28, with a potluck that evening. For more information on how to sign up, contact

Your Chalice Lighter dollars help spread UUism throughout the Central East Region, funding projects such as: hiring an Assistant Minister of Congregational Life at a UU church in New Jersey; supporting a Membership Coordinator at the Washington, D.C. Ethical Society; and improving the facilities at a church in Wilmington, DE. You may donate online at or via check, made out to UUA-CER with CER CL in the memo line. Mail to: CER Chalice Lighters, 100 W 10th Street, Suite 1008, Wilmington, DE 19801.  Rev. Kathleen Fowler

First UU NIA Dance Cardio Fitness Class Get fit and have fun! Come to our new NIA class at First UU Friday mornings at 10am. For questions, email Kittie Palm-Houser,