Friday News – March 1, 2024

As we heard at our mid-year meeting last Sunday, our youth group has been incredibly active and they are a vital part of our community.  Not only is this an important ministry to the youth who are currently in our community, but it is a vital ministry that is more critical now than ever for central Ohio youth who may be looking for a place that they can be their full selves.

This Sunday, Youth Sunday, we are blessed to get the opportunity to hear from our Youth group as they share tales of their shared experiences and of their lives. They have an amazing ability to present our faith in deep and creative ways. We invite all to come and support and celebrate these amazing Youth.

Minister of Congregational Life

Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley (she/her)
Developmental Minister

This Week

“Our Stories: Annual Youth-Led Service”

Sunday, March 3

Presented by The Youth of First UU Church

The way that we share stories is illuminating and powerful! Join First UU Teens this for an interactive Expressive Worship highlighting our stories and shared experiences. Our annual youth-led service is presented by First UU’s middle and high school Youth Group!

Also, It’s not too late to Support our Youth Summer trip to CER Summer Institute! 

Support the Youth Summer Trip!

First Friday Dinner – Wizard Edition

TODAY! Friday, March 1, 6:00pm

Tonight is WIZARD NIGHT! Bring your cloak, wand and appetite. Skip making dinner; and come hang out with fellow First UUers and let us do the cooking!* All ages are welcome. We’ll have salad, pasta, sauces, garlic bread and cookies, Vegan/Gluten Free/Dairy Free options available. And we’ll have a host of fun wizarding activities.

Dinner is served at 6:30 and programming often goes till nearly 9pm. Your first time is free, and we suggest a donation of $3.00/person to help pay for the food. Spread the word and come have a good time and good eats with friends.

*Want to help make it happen? Sign up Here! 

Pathways to Membership Class

Saturday, March 2, 9–1pm
(Breakfast at 8:30)

Even if you haven’t registered yet, it’s not too late!  Register and come!  We will explore in detail what it means to be a member of First UU, who we are, and how you can connect and engage with this community.There is no obligation to become a member. We invite everyone who has questions or is looking to find points of connection.

Register for Pathways to Membership Class
Trans/GNC Youth and Allies Support Groups

Beginning March 3 at 11:30am, the Trans and Gender Non-Confiorming (GNC) Support group is hosting two groups to extend community support:

The Trans / GNC Teen Support Group will meet in the Library, hosted by members of the adult support group. (Anyone 18 or younger is welcome.)

The Trans Allies and Families Support Group will be meeting in Room 302at the same time. This group is for parents and anybody supporting trans people in their lives

These groups will meet on the first Sunday of each month, and the Adult Trans / GNC group will continue to meet on the third Sunday of the month.  Email Emily Henry with any questions.

Concert Tomorrow
Saturday, March 2 at 7:00 pm as the Jake Reed Trio and Laura Camara present “The Songs of Laurel Canyon” in the Worship Center.  Suggested donation is $15.
First UU Art Exhibit and Events
Seeds of Change: The Power of Women’s Voices
Exhibition: March 3 – March 31, 2024
Opening Reception: Sunday, March 3, 11:30am
Presentations & Discussion: Sunday, March 17, 11:30am–1pmDianne Kadonaga From Survival Farming to Urban Garden Oasis:
Coming Full Circle in the Sunny Glen Garden

Marybeth McDonald
The Comfort Box as a Seed of Change in the
Evolving Landscape of Mental Health Care

Paula Penn-Nabrit
Spiritual and Cultural Connections to Gardens
in Black, African American Communities

We invite you to this compelling new exhibit, reception, and discussion here at First UU, to learn more about these three women and their incredible passion to challenge the status quo in their communities. Free and open to the public.

From the Staff & Board
Upcoming Governance Meetings
Email our Board or Finance committee to inquire about attending: 
What’s your 6-Word Story of Race?
At the Town hall, we introduced The Race Card Project by Michell Norris.  We want to invite you to share your “6-Word Story of Race” with us: Read More about Michelle and The Race Card Project, then fill out our survey to share your own story!Email Amanda Hays with questions.

Classes and Groups
Dinner & Conversation Group
Sign-ups are Open
Sign up to enjoy Dinner & Conversation with fellow First UUers!  Quarterly potluck groups of 6–8 members meet in participants’ homes once per month to have a good and get to know each other. Attendees commit for one quarter at a time and negotiate the meeting dates and times among themselves.  The host organizes the dinner and picks a topic for conversation!

Sign-ups for the second quarter of 2024 (April, May, and June) are open until Wednesday March 13 at NoonEmail Marcia Canter to join in the food, conversation, and fun.

Image by -Rita-👩‍🍳 und 📷 mit ❤ from Pixabay

Upcoming First UU Events

March Senior Gathering

Thursday, March 14, 10:30am Gathering & Conversation,
11am Program Begins

Our next Senior Gathering is almost here! Come share muffins, fruit, and coffee with your friends….those you know and those whom you haven’t met yet!   RSVP by March 9 by sending an email to Marilyn Beerman or leave a voicemail at 614-282-8440.
RSVP by March 9
Upcoming Concerts at First UU

On Sunday, March 10, Carpe Diem returns with “Ahead,” featuring music by Turina and Schubert and a world premiere by Paul Frucht (“Rhapsody II”).  Church members receive a $10 discount on tickets, which may be purchased at the door or online.

Questions? Email Brandon Moss

Justice & Volunteer Opportunities
Help!  We need Coffee!
We need Coffee hosts!  We currently do not have most of the March staffed, and we want to make sure you get your coffee after services!  Please Sign up to help host our Sunday Coffee Hour. Volunteering to support our Sunday Morning Team is a fantastic way to meet new people and support our growing community.Need training?  Email Andi

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
Upcoming BREAD Events
Please consider joining Bread for any of the following:
  • March 10, 10:00–11:00am: Sunday Service presented by the BREAD team.
  • March 16, 10:00–11:30am First UU Network Organizing meeting
  • March 17 Sunday Service Commision Network members
  • April 15, 7:00pm BREAD Rally
  • May 21, 6:40pm  BREAD Nehemiah Action (at the Celeste Center)
Go to the BREAD website and check out the latest BREAD newsletter!  Or Email the Bread Team for more information.
Community News
Raising Race Conscious Children Workshop
Sunday, March 10, 7:00-8:30pm, Online
SYC is hosting an Online workshop to help Parents and Caregivers learn strategies for talking about Race with children.  Read more about it on the First UU website!
RSVP to to register and obtain the Zoom link.
In Celebration
Congratulations to Lisa and Nathan!

Nathan Griffith and Lisa Tucker were married on February 21, 2024!  Congratulations!

They are hosting an open house/ reception to celebrate at their house in Dayton on Sunday, 3/10/24, 12:30-4:30p, and they would like to invite you! Email Lisa to RSVP and for directions!

Do you have something you would like to celebrate with First UU?  Submit an Announcement Request or email Becca to share the love!

Family Activities
Happening This Sunday, March 3rd
  • Most Classes Off This Week Due To Youth-Led Service!
  • 9:15-9:45am Breakfast (A/B) 
  • 9:30-11:30am Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)
  • 10-11am 6-7yr OWL (402), Youth-Led Worship Service
  • Coffee Hour, snack after service
  • 11:30am-1pm Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Teen Support Group (Library), and Trans Allies and Families Support Group (302)
  • 12:30-2pm Navigators Scouting (201 / playground)

Save the Date! Peace Camp Reg Coming Soon
  • Tonight: Wizard Night! First Friday dinner, 6pm Friday, March 1st
  • Raising Race Conscious Children, Sun 3/10, 7-8:30pm on Zoom: RSVP
  • CER Summer Institute reg now open! (July 7th-13th)
  • Peace Camp A (6-8 years) 9am-12noon Mon-Fri, July 29th – Aug 2nd
  • Peace Camp B (9-11 years) 9am-12noon Mon-Fri, Aug 5th – Aug 9th